Would I enjoy online gambling even when I don’t know how to play live casino?

Online gambling is reliable and there are many reasons to believe on Internet based casinos. Here we’ll discuss why gamblers doubt on casinos and whether they are right in doubting the intentions of casino owners.

When you play live casino, you use your knowledge and experience in gambling and the knowledge and experience you have could be much lesser in comparison to that of the casino dealers. In this situation, you are certain to lose but you should keep faith in the game, the dealer and the casino.

Let’s start the discussion

Should I blame the casino for losses….

No, you shouldn’t until you have proof that you are being cheated. First-time gamblers are more like learners than professionals. When you play live casino, you are taken seriously. The dealer and fellow gamblers would take note of your moves. But little do they know that you are on the defensive because of little information on the game.

Things to do before joining a game

a) Study the game structure; go through its history and understand the trends

b) Read the rules of the game and talk to the dealer, if you have any difficulty in comprehending the rules

c) It is better to make note of the rules for quick recalling while playing

d) Learn with experience by watching others or you can try free gaming to get first-hand experience on the game

e) Go slow instead of betting a big amount on a game to prevent big loss

Follow these steps to get a hold over the game instead of jumping into the fray directly. Also, you should be ready to face initial losses but these losses would play a crucial role in your success in online gambling.

Reasons for losing games

a) Overconfidence is the biggest reason to why beginners lose casino games

b) Ignoring mistakes is another reason for losing games

There is no reason for blaming an online casino for your losses especially when you are new to the game. You should look into the reasons for losses and try removing those reasons with knowledge and experience.

Could a casino try manipulating the games…

Yes, it could but it won’t because it could get caught. For example, you lose a game but you have serious doubt that it is manipulated. Next time, you will be more cautious and if you find that the casino is trying to manipulate the game, you can quit and also caution others about the cheater casino.

A) Casino is a legitimate business and it runs on trust

B) Winning dollars by manipulating the games could get the casino banned for life

C) Online casinos earn profit from recurring business they get from loyal customers

What is the bread and butter of online casinos….

If you study the pricing structure, you will find that you pay a certain amount as a commission to the casino. The commission is the profit of the casino. But there is little to worry about doing the calculations because there are government rules that keep an eye on functioning of every casino.

a) Online casinos pay taxes and for this reason they are always under the scanner of government agencies

b) Experienced gamblers also discuss casino commission on various forums and the online casinos simply can’t risk losing their reliability by inflating their commission

How much could I make with casino games….

Inspired with success stories of rags to riches, you could start daydreaming of becoming a millionaire overnight. While it isn’t impossible to earn millions in trusted online casino Malaysia but it is possible only when you invest a good sum on the games. Also, you need to be a thorough winner because losing even a single game could reduce your profit considerably.

a) If you are gambling for profit then you should go prepared because you will have to compete with the experts

b) Also, you need to get ready to bet a good amount and risk the amount because you need blessings of lady luck for winning in gambling

If gambling is for entertainment then why is it called profitable….

Gambling is recreation. It is an activity that involves everything – thrill, suspense, entertainment, emotions and fun. Also, it gives profit but profit is an added advantage. If you gamble for entertainment, you will enjoy it most and winning would double the enjoyment.

a) Enjoy gambling to the full by taking small steps like starting with little amount

b) Your focus on entertainment would keep you free from the pressure of profit

c) You will enjoy winning games and winning would make gambling profitable

How is lottery related to casino activity….

Lottery is also a form of gambling and you will be surprised to know that it is popular among people of all ages. It isn’t a casino activity but a casino can help in lottery. For example, you can buy your lucky ticked online and see the lucky draw on the casino. If you win, the casino would credit your winning to your gambling account.

a) Lottery provides extended entertainment because the lucky draw is held on specific days

b) In lottery, you play with none because the winners are selected by a lucky draw

c) Casino works as a facilitator by providing real help in playing lottery

Could an online casino become a bookie….

Yes, it could. It would give betting odds to break and leave you free to choose the odds. You will get odds for every sporting activity including football that is the most popular of all sports.

a) There are bookies and betting syndicates that give odds through casinos

b) Odds are so prepared that they make betting more interesting

c) You are free to buy tips to win online sports betting malaysia

With online sports betting malaysia, you can enhance the pleasure of your favorite sport like football. You can bet on today matches and feel like playing with the team you are betting on. Also, betting provides you an opportunity to get quick money.


  1. so informational and useful, live casino has a lot of game you can try and a lot of live casino providers, live casino are more on classic table games and high-payout as I experienced :D


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